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Discover Khanmigo, the innovative AI guide by Khan Academy, revolutionizing education for both learners and teachers. Experience personalized learning and teaching support with cutting-edge AI, enhancing educational outcomes and providing tailored assistance to make learning more engaging and effective.

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About Khanmigo

Introducing Khanmigo: Khan Academy's AI-Powered Guide

Khan Academy, the renowned nonprofit organization, presents Khanmigo, an AI-powered guide revolutionizing education for learners and teachers.

Khanmigo: A Game-Changer for Education

Tutoring for All

Khanmigo brings the benefits of one-on-one tutoring, like deep understanding and confidence, to all students through AI technology.

Empowering Educators

With AI-guided lesson planning and insightful student feedback, Khanmigo helps teachers save time and elevate their teaching skills.

Unlocking Creativity

Khanmigo acts as a writing coach, offering prompts and suggestions, enabling students to write, debate, and collaborate in innovative ways.

Reimagining Computer Science

Khanmigo makes learning to code more accessible with interactive experiences and real-time feedback, sharpening learners' computer science skills.

Test the Future with Khan Labs

Step 1: Sign in to Khan Academy

Join Khan Labs by signing in to Khan Academy, helping to develop transformative learning tools like Khanmigo and shaping the future of education.

Step 2: Make a Donation

Khan Academy requests a $20 monthly donation to support Khanmigo's development, testing, and safety measures. However, donations are not mandatory.

Step 3: Receive an Email Confirmation

If you meet the testing requirements (ages 18 or older in the US), you'll receive an email with next steps. Alternatively, subscribe to the Khan Labs newsletter for future opportunities.


Khanmigo is an innovative AI-powered guide by Khan Academy, transforming education for both learners and teachers. As a tutor, assistant, writing coach, and computer science mentor, Khanmigo offers unparalleled support in the learning process. By joining Khan Labs, users can contribute to shaping the future of education and ensure that it remains free and accessible for all. Experience the power of Khanmigo today.

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