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WebChatGPT, a free, open-source Chrome extension, enriches ChatGPT by providing web results and a variety of additional user-centric features

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About WebChatGPT

WebChatGPT: A Game-changer for ChatGPT Users

As artificial intelligence (AI) evolves, it continues to improve and enrich our online experiences. An excellent illustration of this trend is OpenAI's ChatGPT. And now, with the introduction of WebChatGPT, a free, open-source browser extension, your ChatGPT journey just got even more fascinating.

Introducing WebChatGPT

WebChatGPT is a free and open-source browser extension designed to augment the ChatGPT experience by providing relevant web results within the platform. Primarily available for Chrome, it offers users a new level of convenience and functionality while interacting with ChatGPT.

Enhance Your ChatGPT Journey

WebChatGPT was conceived with the intent of enhancing user interaction within ChatGPT. The extension provides the capability to inject modified prompts directly into ChatGPT's API calls, leading to more accurate and current conversations.

Multilingual Compatibility

The global community is diverse, and so are its languages. WebChatGPT acknowledges this diversity and offers compatibility with numerous languages, making it a versatile tool for users worldwide.

Focused on Privacy

Privacy is a vital concern in the digital world. Understanding this, WebChatGPT is designed with a privacy-first approach. It only requires the minimum necessary permissions to operate and doesn't collect any user data, thereby assuring users of their privacy.

An Open-Source Initiative

The developers of WebChatGPT have made it an open-source project, inviting tech enthusiasts and developers to review and contribute to its code. This move promotes transparency and allows continuous improvements driven by the tech community.

Clutter-free Interface

Understanding that excessive web search results can clutter the chat screen, WebChatGPT incorporates a toggle feature. Users can minimize web searches, ensuring a clean, focused, and productive ChatGPT session.

Availability and Accessibility

WebChatGPT is freely accessible to all ChatGPT users, both Free and Plus. Its easy installation process and user-friendly interface make it a valuable addition for any ChatGPT user.


WebChatGPT represents a significant leap forward in enhancing the ChatGPT experience. It takes the already powerful ChatGPT and enriches it with web access, providing users with relevant and real-time information within their conversations. With its focus on user privacy, multilingual compatibility, and an open-source approach, WebChatGPT is poised to become a must-have extension for all ChatGPT users. Its commitment to delivering a user-centric, enhanced experience marks it as a noteworthy contribution to the evolving AI landscape.

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