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NocodeBooth provides a ready-to-use template for your AI image generation platform, complete with user registration, payment integration, and customizable features

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Pricing options

  • $149

About NocodeBooth

NocodeBooth is a no-code web app template that enables you to launch your AI image generation platform quickly and easily. This article highlights the features, benefits, and areas of application for NocodeBooth.

Key Features of NocodeBooth

  1. Ready-Made Landing Page A fully responsive landing page that automatically displays available styles, pricing, and FAQs.
  2. User Registration and Dashboard Users can sign up with Google, and a customizable dashboard displays recent orders, available styles, and referral information.
  3. Payment Integration Accept payments for every order using the integrated Stripe payment gateway.
  4. Admin Dashboard Manage orders, create and edit prompts and styles, and test new prompts using the Playground feature.
  5. Referral Program Enable users to refer friends and earn credits for successful purchases with the built-in referral system.
  6. Email Notifications Automatically send emails to users after purchase, as well as when their orders are completed.
  7. 100% Automation The entire process, from user signup to AI model training and image generation, is automated.

Benefits of Using NocodeBooth

  1. Fast Deployment NocodeBooth allows you to launch your AI image generation platform quickly without any coding skills.
  2. Customization Tailor your platform to your specific needs with customizable prompts, styles, and design.
  3. Monetization Charge users for every order and sell add-on styles after the initial purchase.
  4. Seamless User Experience Offer your users a smooth experience with an easy-to-use interface, registration, and payment process.
  5. Efficient Management Manage orders and users efficiently using the admin dashboard.

Areas of Application

  1. AI Art and Design Launch an AI-powered art and design platform that generates unique images based on user preferences.
  2. Personalization Services Provide personalized image generation services for users to create customized images for their social media profiles, marketing materials, or personal projects.
  3. Content Creation Offer an AI-driven content creation platform for bloggers, marketers, and social media managers to create visually engaging images for their campaigns.
  4. E-commerce and Product Customization Integrate AI image generation into an e-commerce platform to offer product customization services to customers.


NocodeBooth is the perfect solution for launching your AI image generation platform quickly and efficiently. With its customizable features, payment integration, and user-friendly design, you can focus on providing a seamless experience for your users while NocodeBooth takes care of the technical aspects. Start building your AI image generation platform with NocodeBooth today!

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Pricing options

  • $149


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