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Experience 24/7 customer service with NativeChat, an AI-driven chatbot platform. Streamline workflows, engage users, and optimize key business functions

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About NativeChat

NativeChat: A Game-changer in AI-Driven Chatbot Solutions

In the era of digitization, businesses across sectors are increasingly leaning towards automation and AI solutions to enhance their operations. NativeChat, a robust cognitive chatbot development platform, is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with customers and streamline their internal processes.

Unleashing Power with NativeChat

NativeChat offers an intuitive and powerful toolset, enabling businesses to build, train, and deploy AI-powered chatbots efficiently. The platform is not confined to a specific programming language, thus offering low-code implementations that are accessible for business users. It makes communication and user journey modeling an effortless process.

Multichannel and Multilingual Capabilities

In today's globalized market, language should not be a barrier. NativeChat supports multiple languages, ensuring personalized, always-on experiences to users across various channels. Whether it's for customer support or internal communications, NativeChat enables seamless interactions in the language that your audience understands.

The Exceptional Features of NativeChat

Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Flow

At the heart of NativeChat is a robust Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine that facilitates natural conversation flow with clearly set goals. It can intelligently fill slots and automate rules to determine the next step based on user input, providing a truly interactive experience.

Enterprise Deployment Options and Data Security

NativeChat offers flexible deployment options, from cloud-native architecture to single-tenant solutions for enhanced security and enterprise features. Data security is paramount, with features like Single Sign-On (SSO), two-factor authentication, and end-to-end encryption ensuring data security both in transit and at rest.

Seamless Integration and Regulatory Compliance

NativeChat provides a seamless integration via REST API, making it easy to connect with your existing software infrastructure. Furthermore, the platform is SOC2 and HIPAA certified and GDPR compliant, ensuring that sensitive personal and health-related information remains secure and private.

Omnichannel Experience and Short Time to Market

With NativeChat, you can develop once and deploy across platforms, ensuring consistency in bot logic and training. Its innovative in-house bot engine allows businesses to be up and running in as little as two weeks, enhancing efficiency and significantly reducing time to market.


In conclusion, NativeChat is an AI-driven chatbot platform that is transforming business operations across various sectors. From financial services to healthcare and B2E, its multilingual and multichannel capabilities, along with its powerful NLP and cognitive flow features, make it an invaluable asset for businesses looking to automate their workflows and provide 24/7 customer support. With NativeChat, businesses can look forward to an era of smart automation, self-service, and seamless multichannel interactions.

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