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Revolutionize your customer communication with ChatBot 2.0. Leverage AI to engage, nurture, qualify, and convert prospects without any coding

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  • $52
  • $142
  • $424

About ChatBot

ChatBot 2.0: The Future of AI-Powered Customer Service

In the digital era, the right tools can streamline operations and revolutionize customer experiences. One such groundbreaking tool is ChatBot 2.0, an AI-powered platform designed to transform customer communication without requiring any coding skills.

Unraveling ChatBot 2.0

ChatBot is an all-in-one platform that simplifies the process of building and launching conversational chatbots. It brings together the power of AI with the precision of human expertise, offering businesses a comprehensive solution to engage, nurture, qualify, and convert their customers.

Enhance Customer Experience with ChatBot

Engage Customers

ChatBot 2.0 enables businesses to proactively engage visitors with personalized chatbot greetings. This transforms website visits into potential sales opportunities.

Nurture Leads

By recommending tailored offerings and purchases, ChatBot 2.0 guides customers through their buying journey, fostering a positive shopping experience.

Qualify Prospects

The platform automatically generates and qualifies prospects, and transfers high-intent leads to your sales team in real time. This reduces the sales cycle and increases conversion rates.

Convert Leads

Customers can effortlessly purchase products, schedule meetings, or place orders using the smart chatbot, enhancing their experience and increasing conversions.

ChatBot 2.0: AI-Driven and User-Controlled

ChatBot 2.0 leverages the best of AI while ensuring your support remains effective and reliable. It enables businesses to build their own AI model that scans a designated resource to generate accurate responses to user questions.

Choose your Training Resource

To train your AI bot, connect it to your data source. This can be your website, LiveChat archives, KnowledgeBase articles, HelpDesk tickets, or any other resource. Once linked, ChatBot creates an AI model ready to answer user queries.

Enhance your Bot’s Potential

To meet more business goals, you can select the topics your bot should cover and add Skills, which are predefined tasks your chatbot can perform like collecting newsletter subscribers or gathering customer feedback.

Combine it with Human Support

The bot's capabilities depend on the information it finds in your resources. When necessary, the bot can transition the chat to a human agent, make a call, or create a support ticket in the chat window.

Easy Customization and Integration

Customizing your bot’s appearance and adding it to your website requires no coding skills. Connecting ChatBot with other services is also straightforward, thanks to its user-friendly integrations.

The Power of ChatBot 2.0

ChatBot 2.0 is an intelligent tool that businesses can use to automate their customer communication, enhance their marketing activities, and grow their sales. This AI-powered software not only simplifies the process of creating chatbots but also ensures that the bots are aligned with your business data, thereby preventing any misinformation.

The platform's potential to engage, nurture, and convert leads, combined with its ability to integrate with other services, makes it a valuable asset for any business. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, integrating AI-powered tools like ChatBot 2.0 is integral to maintaining competitive advantage and driving business success.

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Pricing options

  • Free
  • $52
  • $142
  • $424


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