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What's NEW in Update 1.5.2 of Diffusionbee?

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Unveiling the New Updates to DiffusionBee: A Comprehensive Review


DiffusionBee, an easy-to-use tool for running stable AI models, has recently announced an exciting new update. This update addresses several issues identified by users and introduces enhancements to improve the overall user experience. In this article, we delve deep into the updates and provide a comparative analysis of the previous and new versions of DiffusionBee.

Major Enhancements in the New Update

Importing Custom Models

The new update offers a safer way to import custom models. This feature improvement enhances the reliability of the platform and expands the possibility for users to run their own AI models without any hassle.

Bugs Fixed

The DiffusionBee team has worked diligently to identify and fix bugs to improve the stability of the tool. The update aims to provide a smoother user experience, reducing instances of unexpected errors and crashes.

Improved User Interface

The latest version of DiffusionBee has seen some significant changes in its user interface. The option for custom models is now conveniently located in the front, making it easier for users to find and utilize. Additionally, the outpainting box has been made resizable, providing users more flexibility and control.

Comparative Analysis of DiffusionBee Versions

Speed and Efficiency

In a side-by-side comparison of the previous (1.5.1) and new versions of DiffusionBee, the latest version proved to be significantly faster. Using the same prompt on both versions, the newer version generated the output in approximately a minute and four seconds, whereas the older version took around three minutes and thirty-nine seconds.

Improved User Experience

The new version also introduces changes that enhance the user experience. For instance, it now allows users to easily switch between different models and access them directly from the main interface. On the other hand, the older version required users to navigate to the options and scroll down to select custom models.

Handling Custom Models

While the use of certain features like safe tensors is not yet available with DiffusionBee, the new update allows the use of custom models with specific activation tokens. These tokens, usually found in the information where the actual model is obtained, allow for a more customized use of AI models.

Room for Improvement

Despite the exciting new improvements, there are still some areas where DiffusionBee could improve. For instance, there is currently no option to save the most commonly used prompts or activation tokens for specific models. Having such an option would be a great time-saver for users.


The new update of DiffusionBee brings along several exciting enhancements and improvements over the previous version. With a faster execution time, improved user interface, and less bugginess, the tool has taken a significant leap in providing a user-friendly platform for running AI models. While there is still room for improvement, the current update certainly indicates a promising future for DiffusionBee.

Whether you are a current user or someone looking to explore AI model execution tools, the updated DiffusionBee is worth checking out. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements as the platform continues to evolve and enhance its capabilities.


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