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Scene Creation demo - AI generated product images in brand style

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How to Create Marketing Images with is a powerful tool that allows you to create beautiful marketing images for your products quickly and easily. In this tutorial, Sophie, the CEO of, will show you how to use the Scene Builder tool to create stunning marketing images that will help promote your brand.

Uploading the Product and Removing the Background

To get started, you need to upload the product image that you want to use in your marketing image. Once you have uploaded the product image, you can remove the background to separate the product from the old background.

Generating Scenes

Now that the product image is uploaded and the background is removed, you can generate scenes for your marketing image. offers a variety of predefined templates that you can customize to match your brand's colors and details.

There are six categories of products: house and beauty, beverage, snacks, shoes, furniture, and art prints. All of the scenes are specifically designed to match the geometry of these products, but they can be reused for other categories as well.

Selecting the Scene and Camera Angle

Once you have selected the product category, you can select the scene and camera angle. offers two camera angles: front and top.

If you want your product to be standing, you should select the front camera angle. If you want your product to lay on a surface, you should select the top camera angle.

Adjusting the Size, Color, and Template

Now that you have selected the scene and camera angle, you can adjust the size of your product to match the composition of the scene. You can also adjust the color by selecting your brand color or by adding the code of the color or just using the color picker.

In addition to adjusting the size and color, you can also adjust the template by adding more details to the scene. uses AI to understand the products and all the small details like branding colors, shapes of the bottles, text, logos, and keeps that original as it is.

The way the scene is constructed is that AI understands the shapes of all the details in the image. For example, if the platform is roundish, the AI will keep it as such. However, you can turn that platform into anything you want, such as marble, black rock, or a pile of wooden sticks in the background.

Selecting from a Range of Scenes offers a range of scenes to choose from. If you open the full range scene, you can see that all the details are consistent, and the composition is preserved. Everything is light pink, as we wanted it to be.


With, creating beautiful marketing images for your products is quick and easy. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can create stunning marketing images that will help promote your brand.



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