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Crayon + Slack Are Better Together

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Crayon and Slack Integration: Driving Better Adoption and Richer Intelligence

The Power of Awareness

In the business world, competitive intelligence can often be compared to a chocolate bar at a grocery store checkout — an irresistible treat that people might not realize they need until it's right in front of them. The key to driving adoption lies in creating awareness, and that's where Crayon excels.

Crayon and Slack: A Perfect Blend

Crayon integrates seamlessly with Slack, making the consumption of important business insights as effortless as picking up a candy bar. This integration places key information front and center, fueling both the need and curiosity of your employees.

Customized Insights

With the Crayon-Slack integration, you can set up automatic publishing of specific insights to designated channels. These could range from notifications about competitors releasing new case studies to alerts when competitors add new pages to their websites. The goal is to deliver the right insights to the right people, in real-time.

Promoting Research and Analysis

Not all insights should be distributed automatically. Sometimes, your team needs time for in-depth research and analysis. Crayon understands this need and provides a 'share to slack' action at your fingertips. Whether it's distributing battle cards or monthly newsletters, you can quickly summarize and share the information with your sales team.

Streamlining Access with Slackbot

Crayon also integrates with Slackbot to ensure that your sellers can access information without dependence on you. By typing the name of a competitor in a Slack channel, Slackbot will automatically suggest the relevant battle card, making information readily accessible and easy to find.

Two-Way Integration for Richer Intelligence

Crayon’s Slack integration is not a one-way street. It acknowledges that competitive intelligence is often shared across your Slack channels in the form of call highlights, wins against competitors, or news announcements. This integration enables you to push new insights back into Crayon, contributing to a more comprehensive competitive intelligence program.


Crayon and Slack integration offers a pathway to better adoption and richer intelligence. By placing critical information front and center, we make competitive intelligence as irresistible and easy to consume as a chocolate bar at a grocery store checkout. All it takes is getting your Slack admin in touch with the Crayon team, and we'll take care of the rest.



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