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Build powerful GPT-backed AI applications and chatbots effortlessly with Promptly. No coding required, and compatible with major model providers

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  • $19.99
  • $99.99

About Promptly

Effortlessly Build AI Apps & Chatbots with Promptly

Promptly is a powerful tool that lets you create cutting-edge generative AI applications and chatbots in just minutes. No coding is required, and you can easily integrate your own data to build GPT-backed apps.

Use Your Favorite Model Providers

Promptly supports all major model providers, including:

  • OpenAI
  • Cohere
  • Stability AI
  • Hugging Face
  • And more

You can even integrate your own models to build powerful applications.

Chain Multiple Models

With Promptly, you can chain multiple models together to create advanced generative applications. You can also chain models from different providers, offering maximum flexibility.

  • Models from all major providers
  • Promptly's high-level processors
  • Support for both text and media models
  • Connect LLMs with your own data

Connect Your Data

Import your own data and connect it to LLM models to supercharge your generative AI applications and chatbots. Promptly supports a wide variety of data sources, including:

  • Web URLs
  • Sitemaps
  • PDFs
  • Audio
  • PPTs

Embeddable Chat Widgets

Promptly provides embeddable chat widgets that you can easily integrate into your website. Use these widgets to build conversational AI applications or add a chatbot to your site.

  • ChatGPT with your own data
  • Simple copy-paste code for embedding chatbots
  • Customize the chatbot's look and feel, including a logo

ChatGPT with Your Own Data

Build your own ChatGPT with your data and embed it on your website. Simply upload your data as PDF, PPTX, media files or point to your website or sitemap.xml, and Promptly will handle the rest.


Promptly enables you to effortlessly create AI applications and chatbots that cater to your users' unique needs. Its compatibility with major model providers, easy data integration, and embeddable chat widgets make it a must-have tool for businesses seeking powerful AI solutions. Get started with Promptly today and experience the benefits of cutting-edge generative AI applications.

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Pricing options

  • Free
  • $19.99
  • $99.99


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