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MateAI streamlines email marketing with AI-generated copy and design templates. Create engaging emails in multiple languages, edit, and import to your ESP

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  • $19

About MateAI

MateAI: Revolutionize Email Campaigns with AI-Powered Copy and Design

Email marketing remains a vital component of any successful digital marketing strategy. MateAI, an innovative AI tool, simplifies the process of creating and designing engaging email campaigns in English, Italian, and five other languages.

Write Emails Faster with MateAI's AI Tool

MateAI's artificial intelligence tool significantly reduces the time spent crafting compelling copy for email campaigns. The AI generates persuasive and engaging copy, allowing users to focus on other essential aspects of their business.

Discover Email Inspiration from Top Brands

With a collection of over 300+ curated emails from leading brands, MateAI offers users a wealth of inspiration for their email campaigns. This comprehensive resource enables users to explore diverse styles and messaging techniques, ensuring their emails stand out in a crowded inbox.

Seamlessly Edit and Import Templates to Your ESP

MateAI simplifies the process of integrating email designs with popular Email Service Providers (ESPs) such as Mailchimp. Users can effortlessly edit and import their favorite templates, ensuring a smooth transition from design to delivery.

MateAI's Features and Benefits

MateAI boasts a range of features that cater to various email marketing needs:

AI-Generated Copy

MateAI's AI tool generates persuasive copy for email campaigns, reducing the time spent on writing and enabling users to focus on their core business activities.

Multilingual Support

Available in English, Italian, and five other languages, MateAI's multilingual support broadens the reach of email campaigns, targeting a diverse range of audiences.

Curated Email Collection

With over 300+ curated emails from top brands, MateAI offers users a wealth of inspiration for creating engaging and effective email campaigns.

Easy Template Editing and Import

MateAI simplifies the process of editing and importing email templates to popular ESPs such as Mailchimp, ensuring a seamless integration from design to delivery.

Flexible Pricing and Free Trial

MateAI offers a 7-day free trial with no credit card required, allowing users to explore the platform's features and benefits risk-free. Following the trial period, users can choose between two payment plans starting at $19/month. The plans include priority customer support, access to all tools and new features, onboarding and training sessions, and support for all seven languages.

Trusted by Top Brands and Featured on Product Hunt

MateAI has been featured on Product Hunt and is trusted by companies such as Family Nation, BricoBravo, and Prolon for their email campaigns. This widespread adoption is a testament to MateAI's effectiveness in streamlining email marketing efforts.

Conclusion: Transform Your Email Marketing with MateAI

MateAI is a powerful AI-driven solution that simplifies email marketing by generating persuasive copy and offering engaging design templates. With its multilingual support and seamless integration with popular ESPs, MateAI enables businesses, marketers, and writers to create compelling email campaigns that drive results. Start your free trial today and experience the future of email marketing with MateAI.

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Pricing options

  • Free
  • $19


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