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Link Whisper

Unleash the power of AI for internal linking with Link Whisper. Streamline SEO, enhance rankings, and take control of your site structure effortlessly

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  • $77
  • $117
  • $167

About Link Whisper

Supercharge Your SEO Strategy with Link Whisper: The AI-Powered Internal Linking Tool

As the digital world evolves, search engine optimization (SEO) becomes increasingly complex. Amidst a myriad of SEO strategies, one stands out for its profound impact on website ranking — internal linking. Introducing Link Whisper, a revolutionary internal linking tool powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) designed to streamline your SEO efforts and help you rank better on Google.

Automate Internal Linking with AI

Link Whisper simplifies internal linking — a crucial but often overlooked aspect of SEO. It offers automatic link suggestions right within the WordPress editor, enabling you to add relevant internal links to your content effortlessly.

Check the suggested links, hit save, and voilà, your internal links are set up. Depending on your site's content volume and relevance, Link Whisper can suggest dozens of internal links from the content you are editing.

Improve Link Equity with Strategic Internal Linking

A unique feature of Link Whisper is its ability to identify «orphan» content — pages with little or no internal links. This smart tool allows you to add new internal links to these underlinked pages, improving their visibility and link equity.

Optimize Your Site with Keyword Auto-Linking

Link Whisper's «Auto-Linking» feature lets you input the keyword you want to build links from and then specify the URL you want those links to go to. This automatic building of links from past and future mentions of targeted keywords enhances your site's SEO considerably.

Maintain an Organized Site Structure with In-Depth Link Reporting

Comprehending your site's structure is crucial for successful SEO, and Link Whisper’s in-depth link reporting provides you with the data you need to truly optimize your site. It offers an overview of your site, outbound internal links, external links from each article, broken links, and pages that could benefit from more internal links.

Expedite SEO with Advanced Features

Link Whisper doesn’t stop at link suggestions. It allows you to add target SEO keywords you're trying to rank for, and automatically pulls in those target keywords from plugins like Yoast SEO, Rank Math, or All in One SEO, eliminating the need to duplicate work.

In addition, you can connect Link Whisper to Google Search Console to get valuable insights into organic traffic, average position, and the keywords driving results for your content.

Enhance Your SEO Strategy across Multiple Sites

For those managing multiple websites, Link Whisper allows you to connect different sites and start getting link suggestions between them — an immensely powerful feature if you have multiple sites in the same niche.


In a digital landscape where SEO is vital for online success, a tool like Link Whisper is indispensable. This AI-powered internal linking tool makes SEO-friendly site structure a reality, improving Google rankings and driving more organic traffic to your site. With Link Whisper, you're equipped with an innovative solution that offers a competitive edge in the evolving world of SEO. Whether you're a blogger, a niche site creator, or running a content-heavy website, Link Whisper is a tool you can't afford to overlook.

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Pricing options

  • $77
  • $117
  • $167


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