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Coachvox AI

Unlock the power of AI coaching with Coachvox AI. Clone yourself, scale your impact, and engage clients 24/7. Personalized AI for coaching success

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Pricing options

  • $99
  • $3000
  • $16000

About Coachvox AI

Introducing Coachvox AI: Your Personalized AI Coaching Tool

Meet Coachvox AI, the revolutionary AI tool that enables entrepreneurs and coaches to create a virtual version of themselves, trained to work with an unlimited number of clients 24/7. With Coachvox AI, you can clone yourself, scale your impact, and engage clients around the clock.

Customize Your AI Clone for Maximum Impact

Coachvox AI is fully customizable to match your unique coaching style, tone, and directness. The powerful AI engine is configurable to give responses of varying lengths, follow a specific onboarding workflow, and direct clients to targeted landing pages or offers. With Coachvox AI, you can create an AI clone that's true to your personality and approach.

Comprehensive 7-Step Training Program

Coachvox AI offers a robust 7-step training program to help you create your AI clone with precision. The program covers:

  1. Setting your voice, tone, and style — Tailor the AI engine to adopt your unique traits.
  2. Personality and conversation flow — Deepen the linguistic likeness to match your vocabulary and sentence structure.
  3. Framing and onboarding — Teach the AI to onboard users and frame challenges using your methods.
  4. Expertise and knowledge base — Input your content and training information to create a comprehensive knowledge bank.
  5. Prompts and completions — Train your AI to respond to questions in real-life contexts.
  6. Fine tuning and feedback — Refine your AI's conversational proficiency to ensure it represents you accurately.
  7. Integration and customization — Set up the AI to achieve your business goals, whether as a site tool, chargeable service, or for internal use.

Unlock a World of Benefits with Coachvox AI

By cloning yourself with Coachvox AI, you can:

  • Answer questions and provide information without being present
  • Build familiarity and trust with clients, team members, and your audience
  • Generate leads and charge for access to your AI
  • Use the AI to summarize content, draft emails, and improve over time

Diverse Applications for Coachvox AI

The potential uses for Coachvox AI are limitless. Some popular applications include:

  • Adding value to members — Eliminate repetitive questions from your members.
  • Keeping in touch with clients — Support and guide clients between sessions.
  • Building familiarity — Make your audience feel comfortable with your presence.
  • Converting prospects to inquiries — Direct prospects to relevant resources and downloads.
  • Empowering your team — Enable team members to make decisions using your frameworks.

Embrace the Future of Coaching with Coachvox AI

Coachvox AI is the ultimate AI tool for entrepreneurs and coaches looking to scale their impact and reach a broader audience. With its extensive customization options, powerful AI engine, and comprehensive training program, Coachvox AI is your ticket to success in the world of AI coaching.

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Pricing options

  • $99
  • $3000
  • $16000


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