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Guard your brand's online presence with CaliberAI's AI-powered tools. Detect defamatory, harmful content, and minimize your risk while fostering positive brand interactions

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About Caliberai

CaliberAI: Harnessing AI to Protect Your Brand Reputation Online

In the contemporary digital landscape, maintaining a positive online reputation is crucial. CaliberAI, an AI-driven solution, offers businesses a robust shield against defamatory and harmful content to protect their brand image.

What is CaliberAI?

CaliberAI is a sophisticated platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to safeguard your brand from potential online threats such as defamation, hate speech, doxxing, IP disclosure, climate denial, reputation damage, and other risky content. From comment moderation to content evaluation, the platform offers a host of features to mitigate your brand's risk online.

How CaliberAI Works

1. Advanced Warning

The AI system flags high-risk content in near real-time, providing users with an early warning mechanism against potential threats to their online reputation.

2. AI Editing Assistance

CaliberAI is designed to assist editors, augmenting human oversight by detecting potentially defamatory or harmful content during the writing and editing process.

3. Customizable Solution

CaliberAI is fully customizable with an API that can be tailored to your organization's risk tolerance, ensuring a solution that matches your unique needs.

Key Features of CaliberAI

1. Comment Moderation

CaliberAI allows for vigilant protection of your social media and comment feeds from potentially damaging user-generated content.

2. Article Evaluation

Scan entire articles for defamation risks and harm pre-publication to ensure the safety of your content.

3. Writing and Editing Tools

With its browser extension or CMS integration, CaliberAI detects potentially harmful content in near real-time, enhancing your editing capabilities.

4. Review of Published and Archived Content

CaliberAI also reviews archived and published content for risk of legacy defamation or harm, ensuring comprehensive protection.

What Sets CaliberAI Apart

CaliberAI stands apart from its competitors due to its unique dataset of defamation examples, expert-led management, and explainable AI outputs.

The platform's defamation detection algorithm closely aligns with the Common Law definition of defamation, making it applicable across English-speaking legal territories.

Additionally, it addresses harmful content defined as any language attacking, abusing, or discriminating against a person or group based on identity attributes.


In an era where your online reputation can make or break your brand, CaliberAI serves as a powerful ally. This AI-powered tool can help you keep harmful and defamatory content at bay, ensuring that your brand's online presence remains intact. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, CaliberAI can provide the protection you need to safeguard your online brand reputation. Harness the power of AI with CaliberAI and step into a safer online experience for your brand.

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