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Codeium Vim & Neovim Installation Tutorial

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How to Use Codium for Vim and Neovim

Codium is a powerful tool that can help improve your coding experience in Vim and Neovim. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to install and use Codium on these two text editors.


Installing Codium is straightforward and can be done via a package manager or manually. We'll cover both methods.

Installation via Vimplug

If you're using Vimplug, the installation process is simple. Add Plug 'codium-team/codium-vim' to your init.vim file and run :PlugInstall. Next, create a new file and run :CodiumAuth to authenticate with Codium.

Manual Installation

If you prefer to install Codium manually, you can do so by running the following command: git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/codium-vim. Once Codium is installed, create a new file and run :CodiumAuth to authenticate with Codium.


Once you've installed Codium, you're ready to use it. Here's how to get started.

Accepting Suggestions

To accept a suggestion from Codium, simply type a function name and press the Tab key. You'll see a gray suggestion from Codium that you can accept by pressing Tab again.

Viewing Alternative Suggestions

If you don't like the first suggestion from Codium, you can view alternative suggestions by pressing Option + ]. You can cycle through the suggestions by continuing to press Option + ].

Customizing Key Bindings

Codium comes with a set of default key bindings, but you can customize them to fit your preferences. To see the list of key bindings, check out the Codium public repository.

Disabling Codium for Specific File Types

If you prefer not to use Codium for certain file types, you can disable it by setting the following variable: let g:codium_disabled = { 'filetype': 1 }. Replace 'filetype' with the file type you wish to disable.

Customizing the Status Line

Codium's status can be added to your Vim or Neovim status line. To enable this, add the following line to your init.vim file: set statusline+=%#PdCodiumStatus#%{CodiumStatus()}%*. This will display Codium's current status, including the number of suggestions and whether it's waiting for a response from the server.


Codium is a powerful tool that can help improve your coding experience in Vim and Neovim. With its powerful suggestion engine and customizable key bindings, you can work more efficiently and with greater ease. Try it out today and see the difference it can make in your coding workflow!



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