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AskFred for the web

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In this video Announces AskFred for the Web: A Productivity Game-Changer

Leading AI-driven note-taking platform,, has launched a remarkable innovation in productivity technology — «AskFred for the Web». The new feature builds upon the capabilities of their AI note-taking assistant, Fred, with users now being able to interact with and request information from this AI across a variety of content on the web.

AskFred: The AI That Listens's AI assistant, Fred, has gained popularity as the note-taker that joins video conferences to record, transcribe, and summarize meeting content. This intuitive tool provides a comprehensive breakdown of meeting discussions, eliminating the need for manual note-taking and allowing users to focus on the conversation at hand.

AskFred Evolves: Web-Wide Capabilities

With the introduction of «AskFred for the Web», takes a leap beyond video meetings. The new feature, a Chrome extension, can be installed from the Chrome web store or the website. Once activated, Fred can summarise and generate notes from any web-based content. This means Fred can answer queries based on online articles, blog posts, and even YouTube videos.

Installation and Operation: It's as Simple as AskingFred

Once the Chrome extension is installed and logged in with Google, users can leverage Fred's capabilities across the web. When viewing online content, users will see a floating icon indicating that Fred is ready to assist. Users can then ask Fred to summarise content, answer specific questions, or even redraft sections of text.

Putting Fred to the Test: The AI That Understands

Fred's proficiency is not limited to text content. The AI also works seamlessly with YouTube videos, making it a valuable tool for quickly understanding lengthy podcast content. Additionally, users can rely on Fred to summarise email threads and even draft replies, making it an indispensable tool for efficient communication.

Productivity Across Platforms: Fred's New Frontier

Fred's versatility extends to document-based platforms like Google Docs, where it can summarise specific sections of a document. Furthermore,'s new Chrome extension means that Fred's capabilities are now accessible across all work applications, truly transforming the way users consume and understand online content. Revolutionising Web Interactions

The introduction of AskFred for the Web signifies's commitment to empowering its users with AI technology that improves productivity and efficiency. By streamlining the process of understanding and synthesising information across the web, continues to break new ground in AI-driven note-taking technology.


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