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AI Video Storyboard tutorial

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Elai's Storyboard: Revolutionizing Video Script Creation

In the realm of video content creation, crafting compelling scripts is a fundamental aspect of the process. Elai introduces Storyboard, an AI-powered editor designed to simplify and enhance script creation for video scenes. The tool offers a suite of versatile features, from template customization to text rewriting and more, providing a comprehensive solution to your scripting needs.

Unleashing Creativity with Elai's Storyboard

Storyboard allows users to create and customize video scenes effortlessly. Each scene can contain a range of elements such as headings, subheadings, lists, and images. Once the editing process is complete, the script can be transformed into slides that visually represent each scene in the video. The tool even includes a speech text field for each scene that serves as a voiceover for the final video production.

Adding and Deleting Scenes with Ease

Inserting additional scenes is as straightforward as clicking on the 'plus' button located below each slide. Removing scenes is equally simple, either by selecting the slide's text and pressing the 'backspace' or 'delete' button on your keyboard, or by utilizing the delete button next to each slide. The template can be modified at any stage, ensuring maximum flexibility.

Powerful Script Creation Methods with Storyboard

Elai's Storyboard offers three efficient methods for script creation. The first method allows users to generate a script automatically from a topic. Input your topic, review the AI-generated outline, make necessary edits, and the text for your video scenes is produced accordingly.

The second method enables you to paste an existing script into the editor. The script is then divided into scenes automatically. Alternatively, users can type out the script scene by scene manually, offering full control over the content creation process.

Enhancing Content with AI Capabilities

Storyboard boasts AI-powered features that can significantly enhance your scene text. The AI can rewrite selected text to make it more engaging or professional. Additionally, the AI assists with content creation, adding missing elements like headings or images based on your speech text input.

Streamlining Speech Text with AI Features

Storyboard incorporates a speech text limitation of one minute per scene. However, the AI features can help users to shorten their speech while retaining key points, ensuring concise, impactful content.

From Script to Slides: Completing the Process

Once the script editing is complete, users can click the 'convert to slides' button to generate video scenes based on their storyboard. Users can customize visuals or render the video for the final result. But, should further edits be needed, users can always return to Storyboard, adjust the content as required, and convert it to slides again.

Conclusion: Elai's Storyboard — Taking Video Content to New Heights

Storyboard by Elai streamlines the video script creation process, making it easier and more efficient than ever before. By harnessing the power of AI and providing a user-friendly platform, Storyboard is set to take your video content creation to the next level.



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