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Elicit: Revolutionizing Literature Reviews with AI

Introducing Elicit

Elicit is an innovative, AI-driven tool designed to streamline and revolutionize the process of conducting literature reviews. With the ability to source real-world, academic papers related to your research query, Elicit offers an efficient and powerful means to advance your research efforts. All it takes is creating a free account, and you can start accessing an ocean of academic resources.

Using Elicit for Literature Reviews

One key advantage of Elicit is the ease with which it enables users to find specific, academically rigorous information related to their research questions. Let's take an example research question: «What robot features aid in the formation of social-emotional bonds with humans?»

Upon submitting this query, Elicit generates a list of related articles, providing a summary for each. The tool even organizes key details about each paper, such as the interventions performed, outcomes measured, and the number of participants involved in each study.

Tailoring Your Search

Elicit offers several filtering options to customize the literature review process further. If you're looking for papers that include an accessible PDF version, you can apply the 'PDF' filter, and Elicit will regenerate the results accordingly. This feature allows users to obtain full-text articles directly from Elicit, further simplifying the research process.

Managing Citations

One crucial aspect of research is managing citations. Elicit simplifies this task by offering options to export your references as BibTeX or CSV files, ensuring your bibliographies are accurate and easy to manage.

In-depth Analysis and Question-Answering

A standout feature of Elicit is its ability to delve deeper into individual papers. By clicking on a paper, users can view a detailed summary, including validation checks, related citations, and even the full article, if a PDF is available.

Even more impressively, Elicit provides a question-answering feature, allowing users to ask specific questions about a paper. This interactive approach can help researchers delve deeper into specific areas of interest or quickly identify relevant findings.

Advanced Filters for Refined Searches

For researchers seeking very specific studies, Elicit's advanced filter option is a game-changer. Users can specify the type of study (e.g., control trial experiment), the year of publication, and particular keywords to be included. The resulting list of papers is fine-tuned to these exact parameters, saving considerable time and effort.


Elicit is an outstanding tool that uses the power of AI to make literature reviews faster, more precise, and more efficient. Its user-friendly interface, rich features, and interactive approach make it a standout solution for researchers. Give it a try and witness how it can turbocharge your literature review process.


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