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2.3 Chroma

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Understanding Colour Grading with Colourlab

In the world of film and photography, colour grading is an essential step that can greatly impact the visual appeal and emotional impact of your work. This article will delve into the process of colour grading using an advanced tool like Colourlab, taking you through the fundamental steps involved, from exposure setting to balancing chroma and exposure for the perfect shot.

Setting The Exposure

The first step in colour grading involves setting the exposure for the image. In order to understand how saturation influences the overall look and feel of an image, it can be beneficial to pull out the saturation entirely at the beginning of the process. This can give you a clear canvas to start with, enhancing your understanding of the way chroma (colour) and luma (brightness) interact. Adjusting the shadows and highlights of an image at this stage also sets the foundation for a well-exposed and balanced image.

Using The Vectorscope

Next, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the vectorscope — an indispensable tool that helps visualize the color information in your image. The vectorscope plots the color saturation and hue in an image, giving you a clear idea of the color balance and intensity. As you add saturation back into the image, the vectorscope reflects these changes. This enables you to see how your adjustments are influencing the overall color balance of your image.

Balancing The Color

When it comes to balancing the color in an image, there are a few key steps to follow. First, identify the dominant colors in your image.



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