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Unleash the power of AI for translating your business content. With Smartling, streamline multilingual content management and accelerate global market reach

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About Smartling

Smartling: Revolutionizing Multilingual Content Management with AI

Global businesses face the daunting task of translating and localizing their content for multiple markets. But, no more! Thanks to Smartling, an AI-powered translation management solution, companies can now create and manage multilingual content with unprecedented ease and speed.

Accelerating Translation with AI Power

At the heart of Smartling is its AI-driven translation management software. This cloud-based platform automates content ingestion, making it instantly available for translation. Its contextual CAT tool, paired with performance and progress dashboards, offers businesses a comprehensive overview of their translation projects.

With Smartling, not only human translation becomes faster and more accurate, but also, companies can use Neural Machine Translation (NMT) tailored to their brand's unique needs. This robust feature reduces translation time to market, thus accelerating global reach.

Ensuring Quality with Expert Translators

Unlike traditional translation methods, Smartling employs machine learning for automatic quality checks. Furthermore, businesses have the option to leverage Smartling’s in-house translators. These experts have access to your style guide and glossary, ensuring high-quality translation that maintains your brand's integrity across multiple languages.

Reducing Costs with Smart Technologies

Smartling's technology suite, including automation, translation memory, and Neural MT, significantly reduces translation costs. Automated content ingestion eliminates 90% of manual efforts, while translation memory ensures previously translated segments are never translated again. In addition, the platform provides translation savings reports, helping businesses stay within budget.

Delivering End-to-End Translation Management

Smartling has earned the title of #1 translation solution due to its unique combination of cloud-based, AI-enabled translation platform, Neural Machine Translation Hub, and professional language services. Its extensive enterprise features, seamless integrations, competitive pricing, and ease of use make it an invaluable asset for businesses looking to grow globally.

Creating Customer Success Stories

Putting customers at the forefront of their business strategy, Smartling has helped numerous enterprises realize significant translation and localization efficiency gains. As a result, it boasts a world-class customer satisfaction score.

The Smartling Advantage

The benefits of partnering with Smartling extend beyond superior translation management. Brands can leverage its robust features and functionality to centralize control, simplify collaboration, accelerate turnaround times, and improve translation quality and visibility. Indeed, with Smartling, businesses are better equipped to get «Global Ready.»


Smartling, with its cutting-edge AI-enabled features and a network of expert translators, offers an all-encompassing solution for managing multilingual content. Whether you aim to translate marketing content, websites, or gaming applications, Smartling provides the fastest route to publish translations and deliver culturally relevant brand experiences, fostering global growth. It's not just a translation solution; it's your partner in globalization.

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