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Discover Radicalbit's Helicon, a codeless data & AI platform that simplifies machine learning integration with real-time data for improved decision-making

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About Radicalbit

Radicalbit's Helicon: The Ultimate Toolbox for Data & ML Engineering

Radicalbit introduces Helicon, an innovative codeless platform for data & AI, designed to streamline the application of machine learning models to real-time data. Helicon empowers businesses to create AI-powered decision support systems and improve collaboration among data teams.

Key Features of Helicon by Radicalbit


Supervise the entire data lifecycle, ensuring that ML models are up-to-date and facilitating true real-time data exploration.


Efficiently collect high volumes of real-time data from various sources, including web applications, IIoT sensors, and telemetry systems.


Use the visual editor to create decision flows that transform and enrich data with ML models, relying on code only when necessary.


Enable smart notifications to stay informed about significant event triggers.


Effortlessly manage, version, and deploy Machine Learning models for seamless operationalization.

Benefits of Using Helicon

Enhanced Decision Intelligence

Helicon's integration of real-time analytics and predictive models into business processes improves situational awareness and decision-making capabilities.

Low-Code Flexibility & User-Centered Experience

Helicon's visual, low-code interface simplifies complex operations, while Python code snippets allow for full customization of decision flows.

Improved Collaboration & Automation

Facilitate collaboration among data stakeholders with tiered access systems and native integration with CI/CD tools.

Increased Productivity & Scalability

Efficiently deploy, serve, and monitor ML models with Helicon's visual editor, and scale decision flows based on evolving business needs.

SaaS or On-Prem Deployment

Choose from SaaS plans for cost efficiency and rapid deployment, or opt for an On-Prem (private datacenter or private cloud) Kubernetes-based application.

Revolutionize Your Data & ML Engineering with Radicalbit's Helicon

Radicalbit's Helicon is the ultimate toolbox for data and ML engineering, combining event stream processing and AI to deliver actionable insights in real-time. Enhance decision-making, improve collaboration, and drive business results with Radicalbit's cutting-edge Helicon platform. Transform your data engineering processes and unlock the full potential of your data with Radicalbit's Helicon today.

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