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Liner is a free, end-to-end tool for training ML models without code, making AI integration accessible and straightforward for all

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About Liner

Train ML Models with Liner: The No-Code Solution for AI Integration

Liner is a free, powerful tool that allows users to train machine learning (ML) models effortlessly, with no coding or ML expertise required. Its end-to-end capabilities enable seamless training and integration of ML models into your applications.

How Liner Works: Easy Steps to Build Your AI App

Liner simplifies the ML model training process with three straightforward steps:

1. Import Your Data

Easily import your data and view it within Liner or use a pre-labeled dataset to get started.

2. Start Training

With just one click, Liner automatically selects an appropriate model and begins the training process.

3. Deploy Your Model

Export your model to various platforms and effortlessly integrate it into your application.

Versatile Project Templates for Diverse Applications

Liner offers a range of ready-to-use ML templates to suit various project types. Select the desired template, add your data, and start training your model:

  • Image Classification
  • Text Classification
  • Audio Classification
  • Video Classification
  • Object Detection
  • Image Segmentation
  • Pose Classification

Optimized for Speed, Accuracy, and Compatibility

Liner's state-of-the-art models deliver both accuracy and fast training times, often completing within minutes. Key optimizations include:

No GPU Required

Liner's models are designed to train quickly on CPUs, eliminating the need for a GPU.

Edge Optimized

The trained models can be used on mobile or edge devices, with support for multiple platforms.

Conclusion: Unlock AI Potential with Liner's No-Code Solution

Liner empowers users to train and deploy ML models without writing a single line of code or having prior expertise in machine learning. With its user-friendly interface, versatile project templates, and optimization for speed and accuracy, Liner enables endless possibilities for AI integration across various applications. Experience the simplicity and power of Liner to bring your AI vision to life.

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