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Level AI

Transform your contact center with Level AI's cutting-edge technology, ensuring top-notch customer support and empowering agents for better productivity

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About Level AI

Level AI: Revolutionizing Contact Center Performance with Advanced Solutions

Empowering Agents and QA Teams for Modern Contact Centers

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, contact centers need to be equipped with the latest technologies to ensure excellent customer support and agent productivity. Level AI offers advanced AI-driven solutions that cater to these needs, empowering both agents and QA teams to provide exceptional service.

Advanced AI-Driven QA Automation

Level AI delivers top-notch QA automation for contact centers by evaluating 100% of agent conversations, surfacing insights on critical conversations, and routing conversations to the appropriate members of your QA team. Pre-trained models help identify and tag key moments, making your QA processes more efficient and effective.

Real-Time Agent Assist for Better Performance

With Real-time Agent Assist™, Level AI understands customer intent with 2X the accuracy of keyword-based systems. This feature provides agents with guidance using the best resources for each scenario, ensuring faster response times and improved customer satisfaction.

Omnichannel Analytics for Comprehensive Insights

Level AI provides omnichannel CX insights, allowing you to monitor agent performance and QA scores across voice calls, emails, and chat conversations. Custom reports can be generated using Level AI's Query Builder™, keeping your stakeholders informed and up-to-date.

Generative AI for Your Customer Service Teams

AgentGPT, Level AI's generative AI platform, learns from your organization's data and provides accurate answers to customer questions. This powerful tool helps agents become more confident in their responses, reducing average handle time (AHT) and enhancing customer experience.

The Benefits of Using Level AI

  • Streamlined QA processes with AI-driven automation
  • Improved agent performance with real-time assistance
  • Comprehensive insights through omnichannel analytics
  • Enhanced customer experience with accurate, prompt responses

Conclusion: Level Up Your Contact Center with Level AI

Level AI is the ultimate solution for modern contact centers looking to improve agent performance, streamline QA processes, and provide exceptional customer support. With advanced AI-driven features, comprehensive analytics, and real-time assistance, Level AI empowers your agents and QA teams, paving the way for a more efficient and customer-focused contact center. Don't miss out on the opportunity to level up your contact center with Level AI.

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